Today's quotes are from an old movie - The Postman (1997): "Tell me something: how much mail can a dead Postman deliver?"
Well, that's my point. I just have the impression lately that we have way too many dead postmen around. Let me explain. We move things around and this movement drives progress if people bring added value in the process. If you just take one thing from left and move it to the right without changing it in any way you hardly have a role in that happening. I see it all the time and it's not really out of laziness or bad intentions. In most cases it is out of lack of knowledge how to handle it. Or interest.
The same Postman said: "It takes one postman to make someone else a postman" But we have to seek the inquisitiveness to know what to do with that mail. And the courage to take risk. The risk to look stupid, and to fail and ultimately to learn. There will always be others that will know what to do it if you just mail it. But one day it can actually be YOU getting the fruits for transforming that thing.
And that day you will be happy because you have brought your own touch, your own voice and you will want more of that. "You give out hope like it was candy in your pocket" as the Postman said. And you will wish those candies never end. It is up to you to touch your life and the life of others with your mails.
What will you chose?
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